Glanhau ffenestri llwyfan gweithio crog

Model Rhif.: ZLP630
Deunydd: Aloi alwminiwm neu ddur
Llwyth wedi'i osod: 630kg
Uchder Codi: 100M neu 150M
Cyflymder Codi: 9.6m/mun
Dimensiwn(L*W*H): (2000mm*3) *690mm*1300mm
Cymhwyster Cynhyrchu
Rydym wedi pasio ardystiad ISO9001: 2008, CE ac EAC.


Window cleaning suspended platform composed by working platform and the suspension system. It is easy to assemble and disassemble, set with the safety device, it is safe for high altitude work.

Manylion Cynnyrch
Accessories of working platform
Electric control box: scientific design, waterproof and anti-collision
Safety lock: high intensive stainless steel, 100% qualified
Wire rope: diameter 8.3mm
Cable: GB2.0 level, natural weather resistance rubber
Hoist: high quality, durable
Four kinds of counter weight you can choose: Iron-cast, concrete, concrete with steel cover or concrete with zinc coated.
– The suspension mechanism is applicable to different types of roofs and convenient to deliver building materials. Also we provide parapet clamps device.

Mae'r gyfres ZLP, offer mynediad atal dros dro, yn greadigaeth arloesol gan SUCCESS Company. Ei brif swyddogaeth yw peiriant addurno math dringo trydan, a ddefnyddir yn bennaf ar gyfer adeiladu, addurno, glanhau a chynnal a chadw adeiladau uchel ac aml-lawr. Mae ei hyblygrwydd yn caniatáu iddo gael ei ddefnyddio mewn gweithrediadau peirianneg eraill megis gosod elevator, adeiladu tanciau mawr, adeiladu pontydd, a gwaith argae.

The ZLP series stands out for its superior quality and professional service. As its reputation and credibility have grown, so too has its international reach. SUCCESS Company’s products are now exported to over 70 countries and regions, including Singapore, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Chile, and Peru. The company’s commitment to excellence is reflected in its products, which have met European standards and received CE certification.

Gallwn ddylunio a gwneud pob math o lwyfan crog arbennig i weddu i unrhyw amodau ac i fodloni gofynion arbennig a gynigir gan y cwsmeriaid. Megis llwyfan person sengl coes L, llwyfan crog onglog, llwyfan dec dwbl, gondola BMU, cadeirydd crog un person, llwyfan crog cylch, stirrup pen symudol, platfform crog ZLP350.

Known as a high altitude/high access construction machinery, the suspended platform is recognized by various names worldwide. In North America, it’s referred to as the swing stage, while in Vietnam, it’s known as the San treo gondola. In Russia, it’s called the фасадных подвесных площадок. Spanish-speaking countries, including Chile, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, and Spain, refer to it as andamios colgantes or plataformas suspendidas.

Ym myd peiriannau adeiladu, mae cyfres ZLP gan SUCCESS Company wedi cerfio cilfach iddo'i hun. Mae ei amlochredd, ansawdd uwch, ac ystod eang o gymwysiadau yn ei wneud yn arf anhepgor ar gyfer prosiectau adeiladu aml-lawr ac aml-lawr. Fel tyst i'w llwyddiant, mae'r gyfres ZLP wedi gwneud ei ffordd i dros 70 o wledydd a rhanbarthau, gan fodloni safonau Ewropeaidd ac ennill ardystiad CE ar hyd y ffordd.

Whether it’s known as the swing stage in North America, San treo gondola in Vietnam, фасадных подвесных площадок in Russia, or andamios colgantes and plataformas suspendidas in Spanish-speaking countries, the ZLP series is recognized and valued for its contribution to high altitude/high access construction projects. As SUCCESS Company continues to innovate and improve, the ZLP series is set to remain a staple in the construction industry worldwide.

Suspended Platform Hoist–Long Lasting Lifetime.
1. Mae'r corff castio wedi'i wneud o ddeunydd alwminiwm arbennig ac mae'n cael ei brosesu gan ganolfan brosesu wedi'i fewnforio trwy broses castio disgyrchiant. Mae gan y cynnyrch gywirdeb a gwydnwch da. Mae castiau'n gallu gwrthsefyll gollwng mwy na castiau marw ac yn llai tueddol o gracio.
2. Mae deunydd y disg gyrru yn 40Cr, pwysau 5.4kg, ar ôl tymheru a thriniaeth nitriding arwyneb, mae'n fwy gwisgo-gwrthsefyll a gwydn.
3. Mae'r olwyn llyngyr wedi'i gwneud o efydd tun-ffosffor 9-4 copr, 0.94kg, caledwch da a gwrthsefyll traul. Deunydd y llyngyr a'r siafft gêr yw 38CrMoA1, y mae'r mwydyn yn 0.48 kg ohono, sydd â chaledwch da a gwrthsefyll traul.
4. Mae canllaw rhaff wedi'i wneud o ddeunydd dur di-staen arbennig sy'n gwrthsefyll traul, nad yw'n hawdd ei niweidio ac ni fydd yn achosi jamio. Mae cost methiant yn hynod o isel ac yn gyffredinol nid oes angen ei ddisodli.